1. Shop with Cash (Only!)
I can't believe I am suggesting this, considering my former love affair with store credit, but the easiest way to save money on clothes is to only buy what you can afford, plain and simple. If you don't have money in your checking account for those $500 must-have boots, then you'll have to save up to get 'em.
2. Hit the Discount Chains
Check out the sales catalogues at your letter/email boxes, try to shop when they are on sales! Join fashion forum and able to capture the latest stocktake sales or good bargains!
Note: Just because a store is inexpensive doesn't mean you'll save any money - there is a tendency to "load up" your cart with all of the bargains, only to find you've racked up hundreds of dollars on non-essentials.
3. Look for Online Deals
Sign up for email newsletters from online retailers, and they'll send you coupons/free shipping and keep you abreast of their latest sales. There are entire websites devoted to mining the net for coupons, but searching through them can be a major time waster.
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www.buttonnthreadboutique.com for latest sales items and join as Button N Thread Boutique member will receive FREE shipping for your next purchase!
4. Don't Be Lured by a Sale
It is worth mentioning that all of those "sale" alerts and coupons can result in overspending, so think of the clothing deals like grocery store coupons and don't buy anything just because it's on sale.5. Shop Trends Carefully
What to buy depends on your budget and the season, but some trends seem destined to pass quickly (harem pants, anyone?) and should be avoided by the budget-conscious. Spend the bulk of your wardrobe budget on quality pieces you can update around, and look for deals on the trendier looks.
6. Think in Color Palattes
Building a wardrobe around one or two color families can help you figure out what to buy (and avoid). If your entire closet is black and gray, for example, don't buy lots of navy, even if it's a hot trend. Keep your current wardrobe in mind when you shop, and don't buy anything that won't go with at least two or three other items that you own.
Whether the bulk of your wardrobe is black or brown (or both, if you're lucky), you can add color trends with shoes, handbags, scarves and accessories while you continue to build on the basics.
7. Care for Your Clothing
It's worth a reminder that caring for your clothes will help them last longer (yes, Mom, you were right!). Use gentle fabrics, avoid the dryer when possible (always when it comes to those designer jeans) and hang and fold clothes properly. They are easy to ignore, but those clothing care tags are there for a reason - read them!